Shipping and Returns

Order Confirmation:

Once your order is placed with us you will receive a notification and confirmation email with all your order details. If you receive your confirmation email that means our system has properly processed your purchase and has pre-authorized your credit card. We will then submit your order to our warehouse to ensure the item is in stock for immediate packaging and shipping. If for some reason the item is out of stock or on backorder, as soon as your order becomes available we will process and ship.


Shipment process:

Upon receiving your order and once the tracking numbers are available we will issue those to you via email to the email you provided at the time of your purchase. If for some reason you do not receive the tracking information from our team within 3 days of your order, do not hesitate to reach out to us at



Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should make note of it when signing for delivery.  If your item(s) do arrive damaged, please send photos to and we will replace the damaged item free of charge.



Due to the nature of our product, we do not offer returns. Although, let us know within 30 days of receiving your product and if it hurts your tummy, get a full refund on your money!

This policy is limited to one container of protein.

If TumLove reasonably determines, in its sole discretion, that any user’s exercise of the Return Policy is in bad faith (e.g., including but not limited to frequent or repeated refund requests, refund requests for unusual volumes of purchases, or refund requests for commercial purposes, fraudulent purposes, or other purposes not related to the quality of or satisfaction with the Product), TumLove may revoke some or all of such user’s rights, and/or may disregard some or all of TumLove's obligations, under the Return Policy.



Cancellations must be submitted via email prior to your order being dispatched from our fulfillment center.